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Element Settings

< 1 min read

Elements have General settings and Custom settings.

Click the mixer icon on an Element panel to display the Element’s General and Custom settings.

Most Elements have a Transform panel where you can set the Position, Rotation and Scale of an Element.

The Position, Rotation and Scale can be independently linked to the Amplitude of your audio in varies ways.

The Element’s materials can be tinted in color tone and you can fade between tints or switch tints on the currently set BPM.

To use this feature you must select some colors to fill the color array, then set the mode to something other than Original.

The color intensity can also be set. This affects the emissive intensity of the color. The amount of glow and glow threshold can also be

set by editing the Bloom parameters in the Render settings panel which is found on the main Global Settings panel.

Next up, let’s take a look at Effects and Settings